Ko Te Pū is a community organisation set up in 2022 to provide accessible opportunities for adults to learn te reo Māori.

About the teachers

We are trained kaiāwhina of Te Ataarangi and have learnt te reo Māori for many years as adults through full immersion / rūmaki reo programmes. We are proof that these methods are effective in building and maintaining oral language skills, fluency and confidence.

We build on these fundamental practices to create learning opportunities for adult learners wanting to start and/or to consolidate their journey to immerse themselves in te reo Māori.

How effective is full immersion learning?

The full immersion interactive model of language learning ensures that you embody language patterns and vocabulary- in the same way children learn to communicate.

This method requires ongoing practice, repetition and patience as a learner. Students describe early benefits such as heightening awareness and understanding of te reo Māori being used in the workplace, the joy at being able to deliver a mihi (greeting/acknowledgment) at a meeting, recite a karakia, sing waiata and becoming more confident with speaking and responding.

Ko Te Pū Learning Programmes

Face-to-face full immersion classes

40 week | 2 hour weekly adult classes

All of our face-to-face classes are currently full. We still have room in our online classes.

Cuisenaire rods are used to assist in the learning process along with other resources such as karakia, waiata, whakataukī and kīwaha.

We are offering levels:

  • Beginners (Year One)
  • Advanced Beginners (Year Two)
  • Intermediate (Year Three)


Pito-one (Petone), Wellington

Who does it suit?

Adults who are able to commit to our weekly 2 hour full immersion programmes during school terms. We offer a safe, fun learning environment in a community setting.

How to become involved?

An informal interview is required in order for your registration of interest to be considered for the class.



Online learning programmes

40 week | 10 modules per term

Ko Te Pū has created this programme based on our experience of providing support for our face-to-face full immersion classes.

We are offering levels:

  • Beginners (Year One)

What are they?

Modules designed for you to learn at your convenience. These modules are clustered into learning sets available on either your phone, iPad, laptop, or tablet. New modules will be added at the beginning of each school term of 2023.

Delivered using a popular app that can be downloaded for free and used on whichever portable device you wish. You can improve your pronunciation, development of phrases, ask and respond to questions and requests.

This programme will suit?

Any one who has limited time or accessibility to face-to-face te reo Māori classes but is keen to develop skills and knowledge.

You might:

  • Be required to learn te reo Māori as part of your own professional development.
  • Need/want to keep up with the (grand)children at Kohanga Reo or school.
  • Live in a rural environment with few local learning options.
  • Be too busy to commit to face-to-face classes.
  • Want a ‘ready made’ backup solution to a physical class you are already attending.
  • Need relevant sentence structures to use in the classroom or workplace.


Access will be available from 30th January 2023 to 31st March 2024


Price $200.00 which works out to be $5 per lesson / week or less than one cup of coffee a week.

Registration of interest

Complete the form below. Access will be available upon payment.

Face-to-face full immersion classes

40 week | 2 hour weekly adult classes

Cuisenaire rods are used to assist in the learning process along with other resources such as karakia, waiata, whakataukī and kīwaha.

We are offering levels:

  • Beginners (Year One)
  • Advanced Beginners (Year Two)
  • Intermediate (Year Three)


Pito-one (Petone), Wellington

Who does it suit?

Adults who are able to commit to our weekly 2 hour full immersion programmes during school terms. We offer a safe, fun learning environment in a community setting.

How to become involved?

An informal interview is required in order for your registration of interest to be considered for the class.



Online learning programmes

40 week | 10 modules per term

Ko Te Pū has created this programme based on our experience of providing support for our face-to-face full immersion classes.

What are they?

Modules designed for you to learn at your convenience. These modules are clustered into learning sets available on either your phone, iPad, laptop, or tablet. New modules will be added at the beginning of each school term of 2023.

Delivered using a popular app that can be downloaded for free and used on whichever portable device you wish. You can improve your pronunciation, development of phrases, ask and respond to questions and requests.

This programmes will suit?

Any one who has limited time or accessibility to face-to-face te reo Māori classes but is keen to develop skills and knowledge.

You might:

  • Be required to learn te reo Māori as part of your own professional development.
  • Need/want to keep up with the (grand)children at Kohanga Reo or school.
  • Live in a rural environment with few local learning options.
  • Be too busy to commit to face-to-face classes.
  • Want a ‘ready made’ backup solution to a physical class you are already attending.
  • Need relevant sentence structures to use in the classroom or workplace.


Access will be available from 30th January 2023 to 31st March 2024


Price $200.00 which works out to be $5 per lesson / week or less than one cup of coffee a week.

Registration of interest

Complete the form below. Access will be available upon payment.

“The things I enjoyed about the class was sharing waiata, the feeling in the class of warmth, acceptance and āwhina. The patience and calmness of the kaiako made me stay open and calm too. The ‘method’ of teaching – this is new and exciting and I think I’m making progress.”

“I appreciate the kaiako’s calmness, care and respect for te reo shines and their humility – this role-models te reo and tikanga. Using ngā rākau gives us each an opportunity to be involved at our level. There is no shaming. The kaiako’s teaching gives me confidence that I can keep progressing.”

“I loved learning in the immersion environment in a group setting with lots of repetition. The kaiako makes sure everyone is able to keep up.”

“I enjoyed the whole thing! Meeting other people who want to learn te reo. No paperwork! Being made to have a chance to speak. Giving everyone an even turn. Being in immersion.”

“I enjoyed the flow of the lessons. Well consolidated. I always felt so welcome and encouraged. The app was great!”

“The things that I appreciated in class were all the subjects that we covered. Also being able to use the app. The attention to detail of the kaiako was great. They were so organised and had patience with everyone.”

“Our class was a supportive environment – we were given space to self-correct and remember. We progressively built on what we learned. It was all in te reo Māori. I enjoyed the humour of the kaiako, the focus on knowledge and my classmates.”

“The kaiako were very knowledgeable, supportive and they made it fun!”

“I liked the ability to consistently use the reo and the encouragement to do so. The kaiako and their approach to every question, their attitude towards each of us and how prepared they were for each class.”

“The kaiako made every lesson interesting, interactive, worthwhile and was something I enjoyed. There is a good encouraging atmosphere. The waiata are helping me learn te reo. The steady teaching style is structured, realistic, clear and fun.”

“I enjoyed the material – learning can be used straight away. I love the singing – awesome way to start the night.”

Register Today!

Register your interest for our face-to-face full immersion class or our online learning programme.

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